So you've finally met the person of your dreams! Now what?!
Don't forget what it was like when you were single. Yes, you read that right. Yeah--it may have been hard and you may have gone through things but the ONLY time I encourage you to reach back in your past is to be COMPASSIONATE enough HELP a single person up that is desiring to be married. Encourage them that their season is temporary if they're having a hard time being single. Give them tips, pray for them earnestly, constantly encourage them to trust God's timing and wait for Him patiently. Sometimes, when we get married--we get caught up in the life of a husband or wife or mother and we forget to share with others our journey.
We ALL know that if there is a burning desire in your heart to marry--you can be distracted. (I know I was!!). I NEEDED some married folks to encourage me to slow down & to stop getting ahead of God. Not being preachy--but encouraging. As hard-headed as I was, I liked to see examples vs. someone preaching down my throat. So if you're married and in a healthy relationship--SHARE how amazing GOD is to the both of you. Not in a condescending way, but to say that God fulfilled this desire and I didn't have to earn it and you don't have to settle for some RANDOM. His timing is perfect. Don't awaken love before it's beautiful time (Song of Soloman 8:4). The bible is AMAZING but some people won't pick up the bible, but they will WATCH your life. We gotta show this world that GOD created marriage and it's to be honored. Lets submit to our husbands, husbands, lets REALLY love our wives, obey GOD in spirit & truth & make it our business to live for HIM all over again!!
Praying for every single out there. That you will trust God & His amazing timing and that you will take this season and pour your heart out to Christ vs. sitting in a waiting room--waiting to meet your one-day spouse. I am earnestly here for you because I have BEEN there and I've wanted to run into the arms of someone other than Jesus because I got tired of not seeing my standard around me. Don't worry if your standard isn't being met--those people that don't fit your standard are UNQUALIFIED. The right person will measure up.
It's so worth the wait. If I could scream it to the hilltops, God has your back, He loves you dearly, He's with you, He'll never leave you and your times are IN His hands.
So STOP looking at the clock and keep your eyes on heaven. Due time won't feel like forever when you're consumed with God.
God loves you like crazy!
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