Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

101 things to do when you're bored

  1. drink some tea
  2. go for a walk
  3. watch a movie
  4. turn on some music
  5. dance
  6. check out videos on YouTube
  7. bake some cake
  8. send an encouraging text
  9. go wild food foraging
  10. create an inspiration board or book
  11. knit or crochet something
  12. write a letter
  13. sit in a cafe and people watch
  14. figure out exactly how you'd spend a million
  15. sing
  16. meditate
  17. clean & tidy your room
  18. change your desktop picture
  19. organise your recipe folder, and go through your recipe books and mark ones you'd like to make.
  20. have a nap
  21. update your budget
  22. write a blog post
  23. play with your makeup
  24. dress up
  25. draw
  26. try out a new hairstyle
  27. call someone
  28. chew some gum
  29. find 5 new words in the dictionary
  30. scroll through old photos
  31. organise your wardrobe
  32. plan a party
  33. video yourself
  34. paint your nails
  35. weed the garden
  36. follow some yoga on youtube
  37. have a bath
  38. light a candle
  39. go to charity shops and play the £5 challenge (basically see what amazing thing you can get for £5, good fun by yourself or with a friend)
  40. write to your local council
  41. write a "happy list" of 10 things that make you smile
  42. make some bunting
  43. origami
  44. watch catch-up TV
  45. open a tin from your pantry
  46. tie dye
  47. learn a phrase in a foreign language
  48. alter a piece of clothing you never wear
  49. put stuff on ebay
  50. clean
  51. sprout some seeds
  52. make an indoor tent
  53. go to your local petshop and look at the fish
  54. skip or hopscotch
  55. poach an egg
  56. offer to babysit for a friend
  57. go to the library
  58. brush your teeth
  59. doodle nonstop
  60. plan a roadtrip
  61. do laundry
  62. get friends round for a sleepover
  63. walk barefoot
  64. pack a picnic
  65. lie outside on a blanket
  66. sew up a bag out of an old shirt
  67. go fishing
  68. play boardgames with your family
  69. lay the table and have 'high tea' with friends
  70. watch the sunset or sunrise
  71. practice creating perfect winged eyeliner
  72. write a gift list for Christmas
  73. make a mixed CD
  74. scavenger hunt
  75. create some art for your bedroom
  76. make homemade applesauce
  77. catch a bus
  78. barbecue
  79. rearrange your room
  80. ride a bike
  81. camp in your own garden
  82. draw with chalk on the sidewalk
  83. wash your car
  84. take a photograph every hour
  85. fly a kite
  86. visit your nearest art gallery
  87. pluck your eyebrows
  88. alphabetise your books
  89. volunteer for charity
  90. go for a torchlight walk
more ideas for things to do when you're bored at home, or with friends and family:
 - laugh hysterically for no reason at all
 - pray
 - make and eat cookie dough

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