Selasa, 20 September 2011

Birthday Selfishness?

Its ya birthday shawtyyy!
Yay!! So my birthday just passed on Sunday, September 18th! What a super busy weekend!! I  learned alot about myself this weekend. Scientifically, my frontal lobes in my brain connect at 30--and I just turned 29 so maybe things are becoming more clear..or, God is just showing me myself, which is always nice & painful.

I think we should definitely celebrate a person's birth--absolutely, but on the flip side your birthday is such a selfish day! I am a very positive person, but I must say--everyone calls you, your facebook friends post a million messages on your wall, everyone tells you it's "your day", you judge the entire day on the gifts you got, how well you were treated, and if you "did it big." If those numbers don't line up in your mind, you will mark that birthday as the "worse." That day is all about YOU. Everyone should do you favors, be nice to you, cook you food, give you gifts--all that good stuff, right?
I'll be honest with you, it kind of bothered me this year. I don't want to dare practice being selfish. I don't want a day where I think everyone should bend over backwards for me. You may think that I'm taking it too far or being "deep"--but I HAD to do something on my birthday for someone else. I couldn't stomach going the whole day being selfish. So I went grocery shopping at an organic market for a woman who had cancer, She mentioned that she needed some Probiotics, so I figured I'd throw in some of my favorite foods. I didn't do it as my "good deed" for the day, I did it because I am so much more happy when my EYES are off of myself on ON someone else. There's nothing like giving & being a blessing to someone else who  needs it. I'm really working on some stuff & I just cannot afford to allow selfishness to creep in--even for ONE day.
Is it wrong to get gifts and celebrate? No! It's not wrong, but make it your business to do something for someone else on  your birthday or for any other day for that matter. No expectations will put you in a position of gratefulness IF someone does something beautiful for you. Your day & mood cannot be determined by if people do things or not. It is what it is.

So onto my birthday, we kept it super low key. I've been wanting this Cannon EOS Rebel XS for awhile, so my hubby hooked me up! I love taking pictures. They capture beautiful moments in time.

Out shopping!

Got that Jesus joy'

Then, later on that night, my hubby took me to a yummy steakhouse with the Lums, one of our favorite couples. It was beautiful.

This post isn't about your birthday. It's about selfishness in general. Go FIND someone else and be a blessing to them. Whatever you focus on in LIFE will amplify. So if life is rough for you, find someone who has it worse and do something for them. 
Let's check out some fun ways to bless people:

1. Random acts of kindness: At a drive through--pay for the car's meal behind you. Tell the cashier to tell that car that God loves them & promises to never leave them. Or, have a business card with scriptures on it and give it the cashier for the car behind you.
2. New yorkers: Give your seat up for a woman who looks tired on the train
3. Go through your closet and give some of your clothes to someone you KNOW needs them or a local thrift store.
4. If someone is struggling financially, and God puts it on your heart to give to them.. DO it. Stop going back & forth in your mind.
5. Help a friend clean up their house
6. Babysit for a overworked mom & dad or a single parent .. for FREE
7. Offer your gift or talent to someone for FREE
8. Pray for someone daily
9. If you are struggling in a certain area, find someone who is struggling in the same area & be accountable to each other. I.E. Overspending, clubbing, sex, etc
10. Start with your OWN family. How are you gonna help the world but you haven't helped those right in front of you?

Some great scriptures to meditate on concerning selfishness. When I struggle in a certain area--I fight back, I dont' sit & entertain dumb stuff. So, I meditate on scriptures, listen to sermons, spend time with God & I run that garbage off.. (well, I dont' run it off, God does lol) Remember that you are in partnership with God. We both have a part to play, don't wish you weren't selfish & continue to make life all about YOU.

1 Corinthians 13:4-6
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
Galatians 5:19-21

The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

                                                                James 3:16-17
For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere

Remember to ALWAYS do what you do OUT of your love for GOD, not to get Him to "love you"--because He already does & you cannot earn it if you tried.

Love Always,

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