Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

"Long Distance Loves"

Hey everyone! :) I've been meaning to write this since forever ago but between traveling, the holidays, ministry and my little 9 month old, I'm swamped! Thanks for your patience as I am tryin' to blog as much as I can!

And this blog also applies to anyone who isn't married-- not just long distance loves! :)

I'm not sure if you're aware or not, but my now husband and I were long distance for 1 year and 7 months before we got married. People think for some reason that just because you're long distance, doesn't mean that you aren't tempted. If ANYTHING, the desires BUILD up and then when you see each other, you REALLY miss one another. This is why it's even more important to stay focused on Christ while courting. I want to share a bit of our story & what we did and encourage all of you who are in relationships long distance.

Let's be real on this thing. First and foremost, both parties need to be CHRISTIANS. Ya'll have to be saved, lovin' Jesus and really live for Him. Because if you aren't then convenience will tempt you to cheat on your boyfriend or girlfriend because you have no standards. A relationship long distance CAN work if two people are willing to work at it. If your FLESH is running your life, I can assure you that it won't work out. Being long distance encourages communication because all you DO is TALK. If you hate communication & you aren't willing to put the work in, then, it most likely didn't work for you & whoever you were in a relationship with at the time. And trust me, you will need those communication skills once married. That season was totally WORTH it.

My now hubby lived in Atlanta and I lived in New York when we started courting. Due to his job, we were able to see each other on average of twice a month. When I traveled to Atlanta, I would stay in a hotel (the first 8 months) and then I stayed in his house and he stayed with a married couple for accountablity. When it was time to drop me off after we spent time together, he didn't walk me to my hotel room, he dropped me off right at the entrance. WHY put yourself in compromising situations by staying under the same roof? And please, lets stop staying under the same roof & say "we are in different rooms." What about that ONE night where you missed him or her SO much.. that you slept-walked your tail right into their bed & OOPS, while nobody was looking walked right into sex outside of marriage. Someone is always looking and that is Christ.

Let me break down cohabitation really quick because a certain famous singer said it was ok on TV to live together before marriage. It ain't biblical. Sexual immorality is condemned in about 25 passages in the New Testament. The Greek word for cohabitation is porneia, a word which includes all forms of illicit sexual intercourse. Jesus taught, "For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man 'unclean'" (Mark 7:21-23).

Paul said, "It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God" (1 Thess. 4:3-5).

Marriage is God's plan. Marriage provides intimate companionship for life (Gen. 2:18). It provides a context for the procreation and nurture of children (Eph. 6:1-2). And finally, marriage provides a godly outlet for sexual desire (1 Cor. 7:2).

(This is me & the now hubby when we were just courting. He would meet me right inside the entrance of the Westin. It's so cool that we now hold the Pinky Promise Conferences at the Westin. This was April of 2009!)

1 Corinthians 10:13 says:

The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.

What does the end of that verse say? It says "when you are tempted, He will show you a way out"-- now, God will show you a WAY out before you get into that bed. While you're on the plane to go visit. While you're thinking about what you want to do physically. While this .. or that. But YOU have a choice. So, what are you choosing in your relationship? Are you choosing to stay under the same roof? Are you choosing to place yourself in compromising situations? 

My now husband and I didn't travel together or go on vacation while we courted. For what? To stay up in a hotel room and put ourselves in every more compromising situations? We weren't married and boyfriends don't get husband privileges. My body didn't BELONG to my then boyfriend. 

We once traveled to my parents house and Cornelius flew to New York and we rented a car and drove to Michigan (17 hour trip!) We didn't stop at a hotel on the way there and Cornelius drove the ENTIRE 17 hours! As soon as we got there, I dropped him off at a hotel so he can go to sleep & I went back to my parents house. He called everyday when he was ready and I met him at the entrance of the hotel. I didn't go up to his room and "watch" a movie or "cuddle." Matter of fact, we didn't watch movies OR cuddle. Again, why would you even put yourself in those situations? One rub leads to a touch, leads to something else. We both knew our equipment worked, so why even test out something and end up feeling guilty, condemned or whatever else? 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us to "Abstain from every form of evil." Abstain defined means: To refrain from something by one's own choice. So, you have a choice to either choose God or to choose to live for satan. Stop telling me that you love Jesus if you keep that person in your bed. John 8:44 says that your father is the the devil because you love the things that he loves. What are some things that he loves?
  • Lust
  • Fornication
  • Adultery 
  • All types of evil
  • Sexual sins 
  • Tempting situations
So, the point of this blog is for you to know that yes, things can work but Christ must be in the center of it all. I would get on a plane and leave New York and know that I will get right back on the plane and return to New York with a hug only. And a church hug at that! My husband and I waited to kiss until our wedding day so there was no nothing prior to 8/14/2010. 

So, here's some practical tips of makin' things work when you're long distance. 

1. Communication is key. All you have is the phone and computer so you have to set time aside in your busy schedule to TALK and communicate. Cornelius used to work at this job where he worked 60+ hours a week and was extremely busy. Although I was very busy as well, I noticed that sometimes, we wouldn't chat everyday. It bothered me. How are you going tell me that you love me & that you want to marry me one day and you refuse to text or pick up the phone but you can post on facebook? I told him that he makes time for what is important to him and if he wants me in his life, he's going to have to make me a priority by picking up the phone, even if he is "tired." From that point in the courtship on, he called me and texted me throughout the day. Remember, that a person makes time for what is important to them.

2. Be creative! Although we didn't go to the movies together (only went 1x) we had a date night, together-- but in different cities! We found a movie that was playing at the same time and we went 
alone in our individual cities and talked about the movie afterward! 

3. Be patient. It costs money at times to set up boundaries, such as paying for a hotel room, etc. See if you can crash with friends or family nearby but make a point to not stay under the same roof, even if you've done it before. Remember, that we want God to honor our relationships and if we are gonna live this thing, we have to give 100% of our hearts to Jesus. Sex outside of marriage AND foreplay "clouds" your vision of that person. You don't see them for who they are because you're blinded by sex. So, once you stop having sex or get married-- the smoke clears & you're like... did he always walk with a limp? 

4. Purchase your flights on Tuesdays! They are always cheapest!

5. Avoid late night convos! We refused to talk on the phone super late because if we stay on the phone all night long, we will be too tired to get up and pray the next day & function at work. We refused to be a distraction to each other! So, we made a point to talk to each other as soon as we got off work and then again after dinner. 

6. Set boundaries and KEEP them when you're traveling to different states to meet one another. I know you missed each other but running and jumping and "bear" hugging each other ... well, can I be honest? You will naturally feel each others goodies through that hug & you may want more? Don't front like you don't know! :) 

7. Guard your heart. Make sure that you don't have people in your ear talking crazy about sex outside of marriage or "your relationship won't work" when you KNOW for a fact that it's God. I actually had a friend tell me that my now husband "wasn't" the one because he was a leader & she was used to me leading my past relationships. Needless to say, we aren't friends anymore. We got married & became one, so if you don't like my hubby, you don't like me. 

8. Get my husband's book, "So, You Want To Be Married?"-- seriously. At the end of the book, there's over 200+ questions that you should ask each other "Before you Say I Do." We asked each other those questions on that 17 hour trip from NYC to Michigan. So, if it seems like you want MORE to talk about, start there. You will ask each other questions like, "What is your Purpose", to "How important is sex within marriage" or "How do you plan on raising your children," or "Describe your upbringing what you would do differently with your children."

9. Trust the God in him or her. The cool thing about being long distance is that you have NO choice but to really trust that person. So, settle in your heart that they are God's best (after GOD has showed you) and that you will simply believe the best, even if you cannot get in touch with them after a few hours. 

10. Surprise each other!! I remember a time where Cornelius was super hungry and mentioned that he was in a bunch of meetings that day. So, I ordered food, paid for it and had it delivered to him. And vice versa! He would send me flowers to work or write me poems, etc. So, surprise each other with little things like letters, care packages and whatever else! 

11. Bonus: Take turns visiting each other. One person doesn't want to feel like they're putting in ALL of the effort to make the relationship work. Both sides must sacrifice in order to make the relationship work! But remember, boundaries, boundaries & more boundaries when ya'll do see other!

If I can be totally transparent, being long distance made me love & appreciate my now husband even more because I remember those days where I had to get back on a plane and go back to New York. Now, I get to see him daily! Not only that, we both work from home together all day and we travel 50% out of every month! Since we've been married, we've been to over 100 states & countries together! It's almost like God said, "ok, you want to honor me while courting & you refuse to go on vacations together.. now you're married & you honored me.. let me honor you."

Remember, that it's all temporary. One day, you will get married and wake up to each other every single day. So don't fret. 

And if things didn't work out with someone long distance, don't let it turn you off from trying to work things out with someone else. The difference is this: Your commitment to Christ. If you're both focused on Him-- you're on the same page going towards ONE goal, which is pleasing HIM. So, it's going to take some extra sacrifice & work, but you're marrying someone not that you can live WITH, but someone you cannot LIVE without.. even if they are a few states away. So, if you know that person is RIGHT, don't let your emotions from NOT seeing each other make you feel like "this isn't going to work." Instead, develop THROUGH those emotions & give that care to God. That person cannot fix you, only Christ can do that. 

Just a few things:

1. I  opened up a Pinky Promise Boutique!!! Think modest, fashionable, affordable clothes for women! Check it out via www.pinkypromiseboutiques.com

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 11:00am at Landmark Art Cinemas. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  931 Monroe Drive NE Atlanta, GA.

4. My book is selling like crazy! I'm so thankful for all of you that have supported! Check it out here: My New Book! Pink Lips & Empty Hearts:  www.PinkLipsAndEmptyHearts.com AND my new book, "A Perfect Recipe" here!

5. Register for the 2014 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year, so you don't want to miss out!www.pinkypromiseconference.com

6. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 17,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:www.PinkyPromiseMovement.com

God loves you like crazy,
Heather Lindsey

Selasa, 19 November 2013

"Feeling like Second Best?"

Ever been in a situation where someone left you or choose someone else over you? You're attacked with the thoughts:

1. Why wasn't I good enough??
2. Why didn't they make the effort with ME but made it with them?
3. God, will I ever meet someone that will love me for me?
4. What could have I done differently to make the relationship work?
5. Whatever else

Honestly sis, NO matter WHAT-- GOD closed that door. Yes, GOD was protecting you!! I know it didn't feel good, I know you didn't feel loved. I know you felt used, abandoned and rejected but lets be honest sis, God had to close a door that YOU should have never opened. Ask yourself where you were when you started that relationship with him. You had butterflies, you texted that random all day but deep down in your heart.. you had this check that said "danger." But he was fine, said he loves Jesus and whatever else but you know DEEP down that HE wasn't right for you! Maybe you told God, "I'm going to make this work, I'm tired of being single & lonely" or whatever else. Or maybe you KNEW homeboy wasn't saved in the first place but you wanted you some sex, hoping that it would make you feel good again, but you KEPT coming up EMPTY. Then, dysfunction took place (as if it was a surprise) and NOW you're dealing with the consequences of ignoring God-- which is a broken heart.

Sis, God longs to heal every part of your broken heart. He longs to bring you to a place of peace and joy again.

You have to realize this. 

1. That God closes doors for your protection 
2. He's much more concerned about your purpose than you feelings. He HAS to lead you back to the proper path and it may be painful.
3. You don't have to feel lonely & cry yourself to sleep every night. If you feel that way, it's God drawing you back by His spirit. He's JEALOUS for you. 
4. Everybody ain't for you, especially those random men that you choose to try to fill your voids. 
5. In order for God to take you where He wants to take you, you have to let go of the baggage from your PAST. 

I remember there was a time where I LOVED this guy. Well, I didn't know what love was, so I lusted him. I didn't know what love was-- I just wanted to feel accepted. I tried to make the relationship work for YEARS. We would get back together and break up again. We called each other "best friends" -- but we weren't really friends. We were void fillers for each other when the going got tough in other relationships. He would give me lip service & say that "one day we will get married"-- but he had no plans to marry me. He pretended to get saved and give his heart to Christ just because I told him I got saved & he knew I wouldn't marry a guy that wasn't saved. He still continued to try to give me lip service. Then, I had a dream that wrecked me. This was the dream:

I saw him from a distance talking to all these different girls. Each time I confronted him in the dream (8 different times) he made excuses for talking to each woman & said they were just "friends"-- but I could see him through this invisible wall FLIRTING with all of these women! Then, when after the 8th woman, I was screaming at him & the Lord said this SO loud: HEATHER, THERE IS NO PROFIT IN THIS RELATIONSHIP. LET IT GO. 

Do you know that those few words freed me? Everytime he texted me, I remembered.. "there's no profit in this relationship. It's not going anywhere."

What about you? Who are you still holding onto? Who has God showed you in a person but you're scared to let them go?

So today, your healing starts. No more worrying and wondering why a person doesn't love you. No more crying yourself to sleep. No more wishing things worked out with a man that treated you like crap. No more distractions!

We're going to do a few things together to walk in this freedom.

1. Repent to God for hanging around in relationships that we shouldn't be in. (1 John)
2. Cry it all out. Scream, yell, lay on the floor in your bedroom & cry out to God. Get it all out, then get up & leave those emotional & soul ties at the feet of Jesus.
3.You cannot get saved, give your heart to God but refuse to read your bible or guard your heart. If you sweep your house clean but refuse to fill it with Christ, 7 spirits more evil than the one that left you will return to your life & wreak havoc. (Luke 11:26). I also blogged about spending time with God here:
4. Block them from all social media & any messenger apps on your phone. Change you number if you have to. You MUST guard your heart! (Proverbs 4:23)
5. Surround yourself with believers & women that have a heart for God. Join a Pinky Promise group locally or start one yourself! You aren't in this thing alone!

You're not alone. Stay focused sis.
Just a few things:

1. I  opened up a Pinky Promise Boutique!!! Think modest, fashionable, affordable clothes for women! Check it out via www.pinkypromiseboutiques.com

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 11:00am at Landmark Art Cinemas. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  931 Monroe Drive NE Atlanta, GA.

4. My book is selling like crazy! I'm so thankful for all of you that have supported! Check it out here: My New Book! Pink Lips & Empty Hearts:  www.PinkLipsAndEmptyHearts.com AND my new book, "A Perfect Recipe" here!

5. Register for the 2014 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year, so you don't want to miss out!www.pinkypromiseconference.com

6. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 16,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:www.PinkyPromiseMovement.com

7. So sorry I haven't been blogging. I was in London, Texas, Alabama & the Bahamas this past 3 weeks & I am exhausted! I will be blogging more! 

God loves you like crazy,
Heather Lindsey

(Me & Logan in the Bahamas! This is his first time experiencing the ocean!)

Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

"10 Years of Being Saved: What I've Learned"

I absolutely, positively love living for Jesus. Since this year marks my 10th year of being a Christian & pursuing a relationship with Him.. I find that my love for Christ has deepened in ways that I never imagined. I figured I would write a few quick things that I've learned over this time period. Note that I've learned so much more, this is just what God placed on my heart.
Over these past years, I've learned this:

1. This walk is a journey, not a sprint. Sometimes, God delivers me from areas quickly, others-- it takes discipline, time, prayer and to be intentional about doing my part. We have to guard our hearts against silly TV shows, music or people that try to push us away from Christ.

2. Don't put your trust in humans, they're as frail as breath. (Isaiah 2:22). Humans will praise you one day, and find something to talk about you the next. I adore people, I really do-- but my hope ain't in them. This also goes for your "friends." I've learned that real friends don't leave you because "they stick closer than a brother"(prov. 18:24) -- most acquaintances are seasonal friendships and are situational. Meaning, you live down the street or we attend school together so it's easy for us to be friends. The second it's no longer easy, we most likely won't put forth the effort to be friends. Does this mean you are bitter towards them? No! Of course not, they just weren't qualified to continue life with you. I'm sure they're still good people, but they just can no longer rock with YOU. And don't sabotage your prayers being bitter towards someone that rejected you. Pray for them & allow God to melt your heart.

3. Spending time with God daily has been one of the most important things in this walk. Waking up, turning on worship music, singing, praying, journaling and reading my bible will KEEP your heart pure & right before the Lord. You cannot get away with silly attitudes or rolling your eyes when you spend time with God on a regular basis. The Holy Spirit checks you really quick. I blogged about "How To Spend Time With God" so be sure to check it out.

4. God's timing is perfect. God's isn't on my calendar or anybody else's who is trying to pressure me to do things in a specific time period. There are seasons for every part of your life and if you try to rush God, you'll create an entire season out of His timing and.. one that He's not included in.. 

5. Be honest with God. He already knows your messed up heart and even if you're plastering a smile on your face, He knows the depths and the brokenness of your heart. Be totally honest with Him. He can work with you as you cast your care onto Him.

6. Waiting to kiss until your wedding day is so worth it. I learned to respect my husband in ways I never imagined. Especially since we have a ministry.. I needed to get that foundation of respecting him early on. I love being a wife and mother -- so remember this: whoever you choose to marry, get ready to be ok with producing kids that act and look like daddy (or mama if you're a male reading this). Make sure that you're BOTH pursuing Christ and are EQUALLY YOKED. Period.

7. God won't just let you walk away from Him. He will literally fight for you. You've come too far.

8. Rejoice during tests. God is using pulling some stuff out of you that isn't like Him. Stop running from God & running to your past. You need Him, not another void filler.

9. When you're living for Christ, you have to obey step one before you get to step two. When I first got saved, the first thing God told me to do is to break things off with my little boyfriend that was pushing me away from Christ. I continued in that relationship while begging God for direction. He told me that I need to obey step one before trying to get new instructions. 

10. God will open the right doors and you sure don't have to kiss anybody's butt for it to happen. God will equip, direct and lead you in your purpose. God told me that I was going to preach and share Christ with this world in 2003-- I didn't see that fruit until 2011-2012. BUT He USED every season in my life leading up to this season to PREPARE me. Every job, every boss, every situation developed my love walk and the fruit of the spirit on my life.

11. Bonus: You cannot change people. Prayer is one of the most selfless acts of love that you can give someone. Instead of trying to change everyone, submit everyone to God in prayer. God will melt your heart for that person and instead of being bitter towards them, you'll begin to love the person you once hated. And just because you forgave them, doesn't mean you run and open a door that God closed. Be God-led in this life instead.

12. Bonus: Finally, most importantly, God is my strength, hope, joy, peace, Father, protector and everything else. I'm thankful that He chose me & called me by name. I am nothing without Him. I look forward to standing before God & hearing Him say "well done." Just brings tears to my eyes. Whew'.

Gosh, I've learned so much more.. but I wanted to share a few things with you. If you're feeling weary, God is your strength. (Isaiah 40:31)

Hang in there. He's with you.

Just a few things:

1. I am opening up a Pinky Promise Boutique!!! Think modest, fashionable, affordable clothes for women! Opening day of the boutique: October 15th via www.pinkypromiseboutiques.com

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 11:00am at Landmark Art Cinemas. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  931 Monroe Drive NE Atlanta, GA.

4. My book is selling like crazy! I'm so thankful for all of you that have supported! Check it out here: My New Book! Pink Lips & Empty Hearts:  www.PinkLipsAndEmptyHearts.com AND my new book, "A Perfect Recipe" here!

5. Register for the 2014 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year, so you don't want to miss out!www.pinkypromiseconference.com

6. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 16,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:www.PinkyPromiseMovement.com

7. I'm headed to London October 25th and I would LOVE to meet you if you're out there! Be sure to register for the events via www.heatherllindsey.com

8. I'm headed to New Birth Outreach tomorrow morning and I'm speaking at 10:30AM. Would love to meet you! Register via www.heatherllindsey.com

God loves you like crazy,
Heather Lindsey

Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

"My Dream Last Night: A visitation by the enemy himself

Can I be real with you all? My husband and I got into a small spat last night. The usual, marriage, every now and then dispute. So, I went to bed mad. I snatched the covers and rolled over to the other side. How dare he not "die to himself." It's so ironic that we can know that the bible says "not to go to bed angry" AND while I was focusing on what my HUSBAND needed to do to "change"-- I totally ignored what I could change-- which was ME. 

Nonetheless, we got into a small spat. I woke up at about 2:30am to check on a sleeping Logan (my son) and I remembed our spat and I was mad! How dare he! As I meditated on how my husband made me mad, I drifted off to sleep, I had one of the most powerful, unforgettable dreams. This dream was so real and not only was it REAL but God interpreted the dream for me as I was sleeping. God rarely speaks to me through dreams, but at times, He does. I didn't even realize that this particular thing was happening but I believe that it will change your life the way it changed mine.

This was the dream:

Out of nowhere, I saw a demon. Its face was completely disfigured. It was short and it looked like a mix of a gremlin and an alien. As I looked at the demon, it said that it was the "marriage demon." And that little demon was laughing at me. I recall turning to the Lord in the dream and asking Him what does that mean?" He said, This is the marriage demon, it's purposed to destroy marriage. There are demons on this earth that are assigned to DESTROY certain areas in your life. There's demons that attack your faith, trust in God, your single life, your children, your family, your mind, your very SOUL and every other area of your life. It's exactly what they do, try to destroy it."

I woke up SHOCKED!! You mean to tell me that I got this little demon running around my house trying to ruin my marriage and I am LETTING IT??? I actually got MAD at it!! I am letting some fallen angel and my PRIDE tell me to go to sleep angry?? Ohhhhhh, no! NOT on my watch and NOT in my house! I turned to my husband and repented so quickly!! Minutes later, all was well. A total mis-understanding. The crazy thing about that test was that it was so REAL. I blamed my husband without actually looking at myself and seeing what I could have done differently.

Then, I began to look over my life and I said, GOD-- when I moved to NYC for the first time and stepped out on faith, I got hit with so many tests and it was PLAIN hard. I look back and I was being attacked by a particular demon that was trying to get me trust in IT instead of trusting in the living God. I believe that after we pass that test over and over again-- then that demon leaves. This goes for every season in your life! When you're a child, there's a demon attempting to place seeds in your mind that grow and try to destroy you as an adult!

Ok, you may say-- HEATHER, where is this biblical?! You're freakin' me out.
Let me show you what I found:

Ephesians 6:12 
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places

Job 1:6-12
God and ‘the satan’ have the following exchange.
One day the heavenly beings came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. The Lord said to Satan, “Where have you come from?” Satan answered the Lord, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.” The Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man who fears God and turns away from evil.” Then Satan answered the Lord, “Does Job fear God for nothing? Have you not put a fence around him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. But stretch out your hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will curse you to your face.” The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, all that he has is in your power; only do not stretch out your hand against him!” So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.

1 Peter 5:8
Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

Luke 4:13
When the devil had finished tempting Jesus, he left him until the next opportunity came.

So what does this tell me? That satan WAITS for another opportunity to attack you!! As soon as you STEP out on FAITH, GET ENGAGED, DECIDE THAT YOU'RE GOING TO TRUST GOD or whatever else, it's an opportunity for satan to come in & TEST YOU! Satan and his little demons have ruined marriages, relationships and whatever else all in the name of another PERSON. And HE keeps slipping BY and nobody is recognizing the part that he played!

Where do you think 1/3 of the angels went that got kicked out of heaven? They're with satan-- taking HIS assignments on this earth & instructions! THIS is why when you begin to live for Jesus, you get HIT up with attacks! Satan now sees you as a threat because you no longer live for him and you NOW live for Jesus!!

Are you getting this??? THIS is the reason your friendships, job, money, marriage, emotions and everything is getting attacked! It's a SET-UP!!!! SATAN IS TRYING TO WIPE YOU OUT!! He doesn't care about you! He wants you OUT of the way!! THIS is why it's so important for you to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY and keep praying! Keeping the presence of Christ in your heart, prepares you for each attack. It renews your mind & you refuse to entertain satan's lies.

Ok, so as you can see in Job that GOD allows these temptations to come! Praise God that when you pass them, you GROW up and you mature.

Romans 5:3
Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings and tests, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.

Are you seeing this? Now that I saw that little marriage demon that was trying to destroy my marriage last night, I REFUSE to entertain him! I ain't entertaining no little fallen angel that has ZERO power and authority over me!

God promises that HE will be with me and that I won't be tempted beyond I can handle and that HE will give me a way OUT. (1 Cor 10:13)

Are you taking the way out?? Or are you giving into all of these temptations as satan and his little friends are laughing at you?

You choose. 

THERE are demons ASSIGNED to ruin your life. Don't LET them.

And, for clarity-- if there's sin that you pursue and then, you welcome 7 other demons more evil than itself to enter your body.(matthew 12:43-45) Are you opening the door to satan with your LIFE? Are you freely letting him come in & life in your heart? If so, then, it's time to close that door and give your entire heart to Christ. Repent and turn from your sins! God is calling you back to HIM!

Love you all dearly,
Heather Lindsey

Just a few things:

1. I am opening up a Pinky Promise Boutique!!! Think modest, fashionable, affordable clothes for women! Opening day of the boutique: October 15th via www.pinkypromiseboutiques.com

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! It's out NOW for iphones + Androids. Under Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindsey's

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 11:00am at Landmark Art Cinemas. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  931 Monroe Drive NE Atlanta, GA.

4. My book is selling like crazy! I'm so thankful for all of you that have supported! Check it out here: My New Book! Pink Lips & Empty Hearts:  www.PinkLipsAndEmptyHearts.com AND my new book, "A Perfect Recipe" here!

5. Register for the 2014 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year, so you don't want to miss out! www.pinkypromiseconference.com

6. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 16,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here: www.PinkyPromiseMovement.com

7. To purchase bracelets, cross rings, my book, tote bags, fabulous shirts, purity rings & all that other good stuff-- go here: www.heatherlove.bigcartel.com . JUST for visiting this blog, I'll give you 10% off! Use the code: JESUS

8. I'm headed to London October 25th and I would LOVE to meet you if you're out there! Be sure to register for the events via www.heatherllindsey.com

Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

Our New App is LIVE!

Whew! One of my huge projects is finally going live!!

Soo, I just got home from a speaking engagement and I've been glued to this computer, trying to work on this app! 
I'm thrilled about this app & my favorite feature is the push notifications that replaced the Text Messages! This is what you can expect:
  • Daily inspiration text messages (you have to accept push notifications but you can adjust this feature if needed)
  • Nightly Bed-Checks
  • Weekly Devotionals
  • Weekly Recipes
  • Ask Heather & Cornelius Section
  • Access to the Pinky Promise & The Oath Websites
  • Special discounts on the Pinky Promise Store & things at the Pinky Promise Conference
  • Our Calendar 
  • All Sermons including iTunes downloads
  • and so much more!
The cost is $1.99! I WISH I didn't have to charge and if you knew my heart-- I wish everything was free-- but hiring a company to develop this app is pretty expensive + I have to pay to maintain the app! It was my solution to getting out the daily text messages in an affordable way (The old texting company tried to charge us $15K a MONTH to send text messages, crazy, right?? It's because so many of you signed up!!)
Nonetheless, I ask that you please support this app & share it with your friends. I already sent out a bedcheck for the night & I'm excited about the interactions we will have on the app! Also, it works on ALL Apple products, Google Play & Androids!
APP NAME: Heather & Cornelius Lindsey 
Love you all dearly,
Heather Lindsey 

Senin, 30 September 2013

Social Media: Highlight Reels vs. Reality- The Danger of Comparing

Let me just give you the real deal on social media. Like ALL "media" in general, you are SHOWN what the owner would like for you to see. Nobody's life is perfect, even if it appears to be. You have great days, bad days, sad days, lonely days, frustrating days, hormonal days and every other kinda day. You SHOW people what you want them to see based on the brand that you're portraying to everyone else.  You're shown happy, exciting, awesome things. I mean, this is your highlight reel and you want people to have the best perception of you, right? You wouldn't dare post a picture of you crying or arguing with your husband. To bring it even closer to home, you wouldn't post a picture of yourself that wasn't up to your standards. You will take 10 + pictures until you get the right one, then edit it with a million filters-- all to upload the perfect photo. Then, people begin to form an image of you in their head. If you stay at the club with drinking and dancing pictures-- you're probably thrown in a category of a not-so-serious about life woman that likes to party. One that most likely isn't interested in a relationship with Jesus. (And let's all be honest, you ain't soul winnin' at no club sista. God tells us to pursue Him, not environments that encourage sin.)

If you love to cook, people will start to follow you because you always have yummy looking food! If you really love Jesus you may post a ton of encouraging things on your page. And don't get mad at someone who is disrespectful on your social media page towards you and your profile picture is you in a swimsuit. Save those goodies for your one-day-husband. Anyone can google your name and find that picture and now, the entire world can you see you in your bra & panties. They can save those pictures and use them against you, including a future employer. So, scroll through your pictures: What is your brand saying? What are your words saying? Are you cursing everyone out one minute and quoting scriptures the next?

Back to the subject: 
Know this.

In the midst of people posting, they're dealing with every-day real life issues. It's almost like we forget that people are IMPERFECT. WE all have things that God is working out in our life so how dare you get jealous and envious of a person's highlight reel?? They're showing you what they want you to see! And even in knowing that everybody has an issue, you shouldn't rejoice in that. Rejoice in YOUR portion and be thankful for what God has given you. Unfollow anyone that causes you to stumble in this area. If you're following certain "celebrities" or whoever else that are causing you to become jealous or envious of their life, common sense tells us to unfollow them & keep it moving.

Proverbs 4:23
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."

What you don't realize is this: browsing along their pictures and page and comparing their life to your life is planting a seed of discontentment. You may not see the fruit from the seed but I assure you, it's coming and it will aid in "determining the course of your life." You'll go throughout your day, run here-- run there and maybe a week or two-- or even a month later, you will start wondering, "God, when is it my time? or God, when will you provide this or that for me, or God-- I'm NOT happy" or whatever else! Don't you see what is happening!?? You're being SET-UP by satan and you keep taking the bait!  You run onto your ex's page to see his new "so called-happy-life" with his new girlfriend and you allow jealousy to overwhelm you! Then you start to question why the relationship ended-- knowing GOOD and well it was a relationship door  that God Himself closed for you. You start to wonder, "why did that person reject you? Why didn't he want the be with you." While you're wondering, the Holy Spirit is screaming-- "ARE YOU SERIOUS?? That person had NOTHING to do with your future and matter of fact, I never told you to get into that relationship. There was no profit from the beginning and now you are wondering why they rejected you? They were NEVER equipped to be with you from the beginning!" Not only that, you start to wish you could reach out to them but the only thing that really restrains you is the fact that you have a ring on your left ring hand finger. You're married, but still haven't gotten over that ex.

We must diligently guard our hearts from anyone or anything that could possible cause us to stumble. The reality is this: We all go through tests and trails. We all have good & bad days. We all need a Savior. We all can choose to be positive in the mist of negativity. We all can be transparent in saying life isn't perfect but knowing Christ gives us perceptive.

You may say, "ok Heather-- I hear you, but my struggle isn't being jealous of unbelievers, but Christians. How do I deal with that?"

Well, here you go:

1 Corinthians 12:12- 26 
The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. Some of us are Jews, some are Gentiles,[e] some are slaves, and some are free. But we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit. Yes, the body has many different parts, not just one part. If the foot says, “I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand,” that does not make it any less a part of the body. (in other words- this is Heather talking'-- what God is telling me to do, doesn't seem as exciting as someone else so I won't do it.) And if the ear says, “I am not part of the body because I am not an eye,” would that make it any less a part of the body? If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything? But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it. 

How strange a body would be if it had only one part! Yes, there are many parts, but only one body. The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.” In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary. And the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care. So we carefully protect those parts that should not be seen,  while the more honorable parts do not require this special care. So God has put the body together such that extra honor and care are given to those parts that have less dignity. This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other.  If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.

Please re-read that last sentence. If one part suffers, all parts suffer. If ONE part suffers, ALL parts suffer. So if you're over there as the leg and mad and won't move because you're the foot-- then the LEG cannot do it's part! We are a part of the BODY of Christ and each of our functions has a PURPOSE. Now, the body of Christ is walkin' around here crippled because people are refusing to do their part! You may not be the arm, but who cares, you're something and God wants to USE you!! STOP trying to be a finger when God called you to be a arm. 

Let's be clear, the WILL of God on this earth will be completed whether you do it or not. God will raise up somebody else to do it but you don't want to stand before God and say, "umm.. I didn't do what you called me to do because I was jealous that I couldn't preach." Really??? God gives you grace to be YOU. Not another. 

So, I challenge you-- stop focusing on everybody's highlight real and start finding the beauty in your OWN life. The good, bad & ugly-- laying it ALL at the feet of the Father. 

Just a few things:

1. I am opening up a Pinky Promise Boutique!!! Think modest, fashionable, affordable clothes for women! Opening day of the boutique: October 15th via www.pinkypromiseboutiques.com

2. We have developed an APP! Think: daily post notifications + weekly devotionals, recipes and so much more! Find our app by Oct. 7th for iphones + Androids. Under Heather & Cornelius Lindsey: Today With the Lindseys

3.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 11:00am at Landmark Art Cinemas. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  931 Monroe Drive NE Atlanta, GA.

4. My book is selling like crazy! I'm so thankful for all of you that have supported! Check it out here: My New Book! Pink Lips & Empty Hearts:  www.PinkLipsAndEmptyHearts.com AND my new book, "A Perfect Recipe" here!

5. Register for the 2014 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year, so you don't want to miss out! www.pinkypromiseconference.com

6. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 15,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:www.PinkyPromiseMovement.com

7. To purchase bracelets, cross rings, my book, tote bags, fabulous shirts, purity rings & all that other good stuff-- go here: www.heatherlove.bigcartel.com . JUST for visiting this blog, I'll give you 10% off! Use the code: JESUS

God loves you like crazy,

Heather Lindsey

Selasa, 10 September 2013

Family Troubles?

Picture this scenario:

1. A total stranger comes up to you & says I don't like the way you did that. Your response? Maybe you'd get upset briefly but you would most likely forget about it within a few hours. 

2. Your father comes up to you & says I don't like the way you did that. Your response? You're most likely going to respond in a defensive way and get upset with him. Maybe he ALWAYS has something to say about everything you do. Maybe you feel like you cannot totally please him. Nonetheless, there's history behind your relationship so when he (or any other family member) says something to you. When they talk, it presses a button of irritation that ONLY someone really close to you can push. 

Do you see the difference? And do you really think that satan is going to use some random stranger off the street that you have ZERO history with to say a few empty words to ruffle your feathers? No, he knows that it won't distract you! Instead, he will use your FAMILY members or those closest TO you to develop and test you. 

If you've given your heart to Christ and your family either doesn't know Christ or they "say" that they're saved but don't live anything like it, they will most likely have issues with your new love for Christ. They'll say a few of the following:

1. I remember how you used to be, you ain't that saved.
2. So, I guess you think you're better than everyone because you're all holy now?
3. I've been saved for as long as you've been alive, I don't need you to tell me nothing.
4. I just don't believe that God requires that much of you
5. The bible says you gotta honor me and listen to me. (twisted scripture 101) 

Have you experienced the above? If so, I want to remind you of this scripture: 

Matthew 10:35
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.  For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—  a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ 37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

Do you see that?? Living for Christ WILL naturally separate you from those that don't believe! And God is saying here that we need to make sure that we are allowing HIS voice to trump any other person's voice, including your family members. Your family may say, I've been saved longer than you've been alive and you better obey me or honor me. But if God is tugging on your heart and saying something different, you must obey Him first. If not, then verse 37 above applies to you.

If you're reading this, you may have felt really hurt by a family member. I'm writing to tell you that you're not alone and that your worth doesn't come from even those family members that reject you but from Christ alone. Allow your family members to EXERCISE those love muscles. If you are sitting before God daily, asking Him to develop you, change you & make you into His image, you will get some attacks. The enemy seeks to use whoever he can to distract you & God ALLOWS the tests to come.

Or, you could have a family member that has totally ran away from God or refuses to start a relationship with Him. Remember this: You cannot want salvation for them more than they want it for themselves. 

So, what do you do?

1. Forgive. You have got to let it go. When a person isn't saved, you cannot expect for them to ACT saved. Even if they "say" they are a Christian-- the proof is in the pudding. If that tree has no fruit on it, then it's not a fruit tree. Recognize that they are only living according to their selfish nature. Pray for them instead of complaining about them.

2. Live by example. God placed you in your family to be the "Abraham" or the example. Are you being a living, breathing example or are you cussing everyone out one day & inviting them to bible study the next? Instead of cursing them, pray for them. Ask God to grace you with their personalities.

3. Recognize that God will find them the same way He found you. If they don't listen to God, what makes you think they will listen to you? So, rest. Stop trying to throw the bible at them every five minutes and win people over by your quiet & gentle spirit. (1 Peter 3:4)

4. Separate yourselves from them as needed. You may need to distance yourself from some family members that are negatively influencing you for a season until you're strong enough to be around them. So they're cussing everyday, drinking, smoking and whatever else. Go to a quiet place and pull away. God told Abraham to LEAVE his family & those that were FRAMING his thinking & go to a place where God would show Him. God wanted to frame his thinking.

5. Build an oasis in your home. Maybe you cannot leave your family members house for some reason. But you have to make the best of the situation. When I lived in a 1 bedroom studio in NYC with my roommate, the bathroom was the place where I had my quiet time twice a day. Yes, it was small-- but I didn't care, I needed God's presence working in the industry I worked in and I needed His help. So, create an alter somewhere & put your earphones in, turn worship music on & get on your face before God.

Remember this:
There is a reason that you were placed in your particular family. Whether your upbringing and current situation is good or bad, it's for a reason. So, find the beauty in the reason. Stop wishing that you were in another family and start thanking God for your portion. And remember, a new test will come in regards to your family. Pass it and more than anything, ask the Holy Spirit to lead, guide & direct you. He knows best.

Just a few things:

1.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 11:00am at Landmark Art Cinemas. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis"  931 Monroe Drive NE Atlanta, GA.

2. My book is selling like crazy! I'm so thankful for all of you that have supported! Check it out here: My New Book! Pink Lips & Empty Hearts:  www.PinkLipsAndEmptyHearts.com AND my new book, "A Perfect Recipe" here!

3. Register for the 2014 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year, so you don't want to miss out!www.pinkypromiseconference.com

4. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 15,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:www.PinkyPromiseMovement.com

5. To purchase bracelets, cross rings, my book, tote bags, fabulous shirts, purity rings & all that other good stuff-- go here: www.heatherlove.bigcartel.com . JUST for visiting this blog, I'll give you 10% off! Use the code: JESUS

6. I will be in Orange, NJ next weekend! If you're in the area-- I would love to meet you! My calendar is here: www.heatherllindsey.com 

God loves you like crazy,

Heather Lindsey

Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

The TRUTH about "You can't judge me"

Whenever I talk about homosexuality being a sin, politics, sex outside of marriage and secular music-- people get fired up! I mean, they get plain MAD at me! HOW DARE YOU HEATHER! How DARE you JUDGE them. If I post that God wants your heart-- you say AMEN! But if I challenge your music, you say- "don't judge me. Sadly, we are a church that is constantly being divided against itself (amos 3:3) and we cannot stand because we rationalize certain areas of our life that we aren't quite ready to let go of. To be totally honest with you, I didn't judge you. The bible judged you & it judged you as wrong.  It is God alone that placed those standards in the bible and as humans, we aren't to argue them, but to obey them. The bible is so clear on certain areas of our life but then we refuse to read it and let our feelings lead our life. We compare & contrast sin & say.. "I can't judge you because I got sin in my own life." Your sin cannot blot out another person's sin-- so instead of rationalizing and comparing sins, let's pursue holiness. Let's pursue righteousness! I'm not saying that I'm perfect or that you'll never sin. The difference is this: When you are not saved, you pursue SIN. When you are saved, you pursue Christ. For example, a practicing homosexual cannot be saved because they pursue and continue IN their sin-- even if they have conviction about it. A practicing fornicator isn't saved because they stay in the bed and continue to have sex and ignore the truth. (read 1 John). How can we say that we love Jesus if we continue to run after things that He's made so clear to us to stay away from in our lives?

John 3:19 And the judgment is based on this fact: God's light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.

 I don't listen to secular music, not because I think I'm better than anyone-- I just understand that MUSIC plants seeds in your heart. I blogged about TV & music affect your life here. Search the heart behind the person that is singing the song. Does their heart belong to the Father? As you read these words, they plant seeds in your heart. When a pastor that preaches the word correctly, preaches-- it plants seeds in your heart.. so when a rapper raps into your ear it doesn't? I can assure you that there's some things going on in your life as a direct result of what you've been watching and listening to on a regular basis. Don't you know that satan was over music in heaven before he got kicked out? But of course he's going for you here on this earth! And the words can even appear to be "safe" but that paired with who is singing it-- it's planting the wrong seeds in your heart. 

 For example, If you're trying to get over an ex-- you can't sit and listen to Adele all day. You think she's helping you to get over them but you're actually becoming more focused on the situation versus allowing God to heal your broken heart. The more you listen to those songs, the deeper the bitterness grows into your heart and all the while Christ is pulling on you! He's saying, "Focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead (Philippines 3:13)!!" Most of that music focuses in on YOU. Music's purpose is to glorify GOD and not self. So, if you're struggling with listening to different rappers or R & B music, ask God to help you. Instead of getting mad at me for telling you that the bible tells us to guard our hearts, ask God to show you why it makes you so upset! 

Lets get back to this judging thing. I think it's so important to talk about one of the most uninterrupted scriptures in the bible.

This is an issue that has confused many people. On one hand, we are commanded by the Lord Jesus, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged” (Matthew 7:1) Christians are often accused of "judging" whenever they speak out against a sinful activity. However, that is not the meaning of the Scripture verses that state, "Do not judge." There is a righteous kind of judgment we are supposed to exercise—with careful discernment (John 7:24). When Jesus told us not to judge (Matthew 7:1), He was telling us not to judge hypocritically. Meaning this, I am telling YOU not to do something but secretly, I am doing it.  Matthew 7:2-5 declares, "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." What Jesus was condemning here was hypocritical, self-righteous judgments of others.

In Matthew 7:2-5, Jesus warns against judging someone else for his sin when you yourself are sinning even worse. That is the kind of judging Jesus commanded us not to do. If a believer sees another believer sinning, it is his Christian DUTY to lovingly and respectfully confront the person with his sin (Matthew 18:15-17). This is not judging, but rather pointing out the truth in hope—and with the ultimate goal—of bringing repentance in the other person (James 5:20) and restoration to the fellowship. We are to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). We are to proclaim what God's Word says about sin. 2 Timothy 4:2 tells us, "Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage — with great patience and careful instruction." We are to "judge" sin, but always with the goal of presenting the solution for sin and its consequences—the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

Do you see the difference? "Do not judge" is not some blanket statement that we make in our efforts to pat others on the back and make them feel ok about their sin. The bible tells us to tell our other sisters and brothers in LOVE. So if a proclaiming Christian is living a certain way, it's ok to be God-led to pull her or him aside and talk with them. Even if they reject what you have to say-- doesn't mean you stop correcting. Even if that means you say after praying to the Lord about it, "sis, you know I love you, please don't get upset with me but-- the guy your dating isn't saved. The bible tells us not to be unequally yoked. You used to be so on fire for God, but it's changed since you started dating him." Just make sure that while you're helping them sweep off their porch, that you've swept off your own in that area. You cannot be sleeping with your boyfriend-- keeping him in your bed every night but then trying to tell someone that they need to stop doing the same thing. How does that work?

 We must take our own advice. You ruin your witness when you're doing the SAME thing & preaching against it (and this is what the bible is saying, don't judge hypocritically). It seems like we ALWAYS have all this word for somebody else but all of the word we have for them, isn't working for us. If you've approached your sister in Christ about an area and she has decided to continue in her sin, then just PRAY for her. This doesn't mean you get mad at her or whatever else-- it means that you take her before God and CRY out to HIM on HER behalf. Ask yourself.. do you cry on behalf of your sisters or brothers sins or do you gossip about them? If your heart is pure in your approach-- you'll find that you'll get results. If you're talking DOWN to that person, you won't get anywhere. It's not in what you say but HOW you say it. So, be sweet when you do talk to that person. Remember that you're not GOD and if they reject you, know that they rejected Him first. At times, we just plant the seeds and it's GOD alone that waters them. If you have zero relationship with a person-- you cannot expect them to receive from you either. They aren't confident that you even know them well enough to speak into their life, on their situation and if you don't know them and you're trying to speak into their life its most likely because you're assuming which thus makes you unqualified to speak into their heart. Now, if you don't know the person.. and God tells you to do it--- DO it. Obey quickly. This isn't a formula for anything-- in everything we do, we should be God-led. So, instead of thinking of all the people you're going to correct tomorrow-- Go to the Lord and ask Him to correct and wreck YOU. We must be first humble & not self righteous in our approach. I have learned this in "correcting" people-- you cannot WANT that person to change MORE than they want to change. Remember this-- that if we really believed that prayer really works, why would we stop? 

So, the next time someone throws the word "judge" around, remember as Christians we are to righteously judge one another based on the truth of the bible-- unbelievers have already been judged as they live in darkness. Pray for their salvation instead of screaming at their sin.. they don't belong to the Father-- what else do you expect for them to do?

Just a few things:

1.  If you live in Atlanta, I want to invite you to our church. Join us on Sundays at 11:00am at Landmark Art Cinemas. Our churches name is: "The Gathering Oasis" (there's another church that holds service there too). 931 Monroe Drive NE Atlanta, GA- in Theatre 6.

2. My book is selling like crazy! I'm so thankful for all of you that have supported! Check it out here: My New Book! Pink Lips & Empty Hearts:  www.PinkLipsAndEmptyHearts.com AND my new book, "A Perfect Recipe" here!

3. Register for the 2014 Pinky Promise in Atlanta, GA! It sold out last year, so you don't want to miss out!www.pinkypromiseconference.com

4. As always, you can join a Pinky Promise group locally! There's about 13,000 ladies that have joined! Find a group near you by joining & checking out the intro page! Join here:www.PinkyPromiseMovement.com

5. To purchase bracelets, cross rings, my book, tote bags, fabulous shirts, purity rings & all that other good stuff-- go here: www.heatherlove.bigcartel.com . JUST for visiting this blog, I'll give you 10% off! Use the code: JESUS

6. I will be in Greensboro, NC this Saturday preaching! If you're in the area-- I would love to meet you! My calendar is here: www.heatherllindsey.com 

God loves you like crazy!
Heather Lindsey