Selasa, 04 Juli 2006
Superfood Diet
After having done some research into superfoods I have come to know that there are many 'superfoods', which come from all different food groups. I have found it really interesting researching the superfoods and learning more about what is good for you.
The superfoods include: Broccoli, Pomegranates, Green Tea, Salmon, Tomatoes, Olive Oil, Spinach and Apples.
The numbers of superfoods that are found in different lists vary from 8-27 so have a look at the different ones and see what is found on all of them.
These superfoods are full of anti-aging ingredients, anti-oxidants and vitamins that will detox and revitalize your system and make you beautiful inside and out.
Sabtu, 29 April 2006
Colour Me Beautiful

I recently went to a Colour Me Beautiful consultant to have a colour analysis.
I would absolutely recommend this to anyone that hasn't already had their colours done. Even if you think your know what colours best suit you, you could be totally wrong, I know my mum, my aunt and me were totally wrong! I was pleasantly surprised at all the new colours I could wear, and I don't miss buying the colours I can't. I still wear most of the colours I used to have, but wear a scarf or necklace in the right colours so as to compliment my colours. I would definetely say that if you have the money (roughly £75 for a 1 hour 30 mins session) then go for it!
In the colour consultation you get a make-up lesson, a free 42 colour swatch booklet, total colour and style analysis. It was really great to take home with me the swatch book, now I can pop it out when I am in a shop to make sure that I am buying the right colour for me. It was also great to have my make-up done professionally (although I used to do this for Body Shop) as each different firm has their own way of looking at make-up this can change the look of your overall look immediately.
Go to for a further look into where your nearest consultant is. And all the other services that they provide.
Colour Me Beautiful
Minggu, 23 April 2006
Eye Make Up

One of the great ways to make your eye make up look stunning is to uase something similar to the Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat pen. It is a light concealer with light reflecting particles that is really easy to apply undwer your eyes for a great glow. It is a known fact that most celebrities and models have one in their bags for when they haven't been getting enough sleep. Your eye make up will look ten times better without those bags under your eyes, and at only £14.60 at or from $24.45 on, it is assuredly something that you should keep in your bag always.
Eye Make Up
Free Beauty Tip
Do NOT wear foundation every day - from great experience I can say that this blocks pores, not allowing them to breathe and causing them to age much, much quicker.
Instead, why not try a tinted moisturiser or just a very, very tiny layer of foundation over some moisturiser. Or create your own tinted moisturiser by mixing your daily moisturiser with your foundation. (But be careful, because some of these mixtures won't mix depending on their base!) Just to say again, make sure to moisturise day and night, and exfoliate 2-3 times a week, this will leave your skin in such great condition that you won't have to wear a foundation to hide it.
Free Beauty Tip
Jumat, 31 Maret 2006
Sedu Beauty Tip
Looking for ideas and tips on how to create the perfect sedu style, check out which have loads of different ideas on how to create the perfect look. Find a sedu beauty tip for each length and style of haircut, reviews on the best straighteners and products and loads of photos of celebrity sedu hairstyles.
Sedu Beauty Tip
Kamis, 30 Maret 2006
Beauty Tip
Some of the greatest beauty tips that I can give you are from my family, that have been past down in generations. There are also some beauty tips that I have learnt from my recent work within a large beauty store in my hometown and also some tips which I have picked up from travels and learnt from random people, which I have found to be very useful and true.
My personal beauty tips and ideas are as follows:
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
- Do at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise each day.
- Take 1 vitamin and mineral tablets (I personally take a multivitamin tablet every morning).
- Get from 6-8 hours of sleep each evening.
- Cleanse and moisturise every morning and evening. Leaving make-up on over night is an absolute no-no.
- Leave spots and blemishes, do not touch them, except with a treatment stick (tea tree oil). I find this very hard to do, so just make sure that your hands are always very clean.
- Exfoliate 2 times a week.
- Do not wear foundation every day, unless it is totally necessary, this does not let the skin breathe, instead use a tinted moisturiser.
- Waxing is by far the most economical and flattering way of removing hair, it is not that expensive and the effects can last up to 8 weeks, plus the hair grows back thinner.
- If you can afford it, invest in a massage, facial and back mask every 1-2 months. You will feel absolutely amazing after the sessions, ready to take on the world!
- To remove blackheads, use an exfoliating and then deep-cleansing mask every week, this ought to keep them at bay, also if you can afford it, a little microdermabrasion session at your local salon will work wonders.
- Tea-bags then cucumber slices will revive your eyes in 10 minutes, if lessened eye-bags and a sparkle in your eyes is just what you need.
- To look and feel great just before an event or a night out, paint you nails to make you feel more feminine and elegant.
- Lip balm (especially Body Shop's Vitamin E lip balm) is an essential to life for me. It gives you a great pout and makes you feel really confident. My advice is to never leave the house without it.
- This summer, there is a burst of natural highlights on the catwalks, not only for hair but also for the face. So go out and get some shimmery blushers and highlight foundation and try the natural look, I can guarantee more faces will turn your way walking down the street.
One of the best 'Beauty Tip' books I have come across on the internet which gives top model beauty secrets, and tips from their stylists is 1001 Beauty Tips, Secrets and Techniques. It contains some great ideas about how to keep looking and feeling great inside and out. Or for some ideas from the stars, go to Get Gorgeous Now which has, it seems, a beauty tip from each of the most gorgeous stars on todays red carpet.
Beauty Tip