Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

learning about waxing

so i did my next beauty therapy course: waxing!

it was a weird thing to learn about but not too difficult to do. there were loads of new things i learnt about, and so i wanted to give you guys the opportunity to ask anything about waxing you want...

and i will answer it in the next post. have a fab day!

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

lucas' papaw ointment: review

i absolutely adore this stuff!!!

in fact this is the perfect lip balm, and i'm going to be super upset when i finish the tube.

i got it the first day i was in oz last year, and i've been using it ever since. it's just amazing value for money, and there's only one ingredient in it - fermented papaya.

i don't think there's anything better, actually I may make this my number one product of the whole of 2009 (and probably 2010)!

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

the importance of a nice hot bath

this is something extremely important, and is a very natural, healthy thing. A nice hot bath. It cleanses and detoxifies naturally, and is a great remedy for skin ailments.

basically, i can totally tell the difference between when i've been having quick showers and when i've had long soaky baths. my skin is smoother, cleaner and in much better condition after baths than showers i find. i know some people find baths a bit gross, but i know there's nothing more relaxing after a long day at work.

some people find it even better to light candles and have mood lighting, but given i don't have such a luxurious bathroom with space for candles or fancy lighting, i just fill my bath really deep, lie back and close my eyes. sometimes i'll put music on, but most of the time i just appreciate the silence.

i never take a bath if i'm in a hurry, i think that would be the most unrelaxing thing a person could do. also, it sets your mind wrong, if you associate baths with speed then it'll be difficult to unwind next time you're in one.

so the best way to enjoy your bath may be:
  • to have it as hot as you like, there's not much point in a warm bath, it has to be hot!
  • add some proper bath salts, as natural as you can, and maybe scented with lavender
  • have your towel ready, it's such a nuisance to have to search for it whilst you drip
  • make sure all the products you need are close to you, you don't want to get out of the bath to get your shampoo or body scrub, that just breaks the magical relaxation
  • don't hurry yourself, leisurely massage ever inch of your body until you are clean, it's supposed to be luxurious

baths are also great for warming your whole body up after a winter's day, easing muscle fatigue or unrest, chillin you out and destressing you - which is in turn very beneficial to the skin, opening up the pores on your face - have a cleanser, face scrub or exfoliator at the ready.

go and pour one right now...

i've just made an updated skincare routine video for all of you guys to see too...check it out!